spiritually-enlightening studies & scriptural meditations, based on a pattern of sound words, from the "Grace & Truth Magazine." Andrew Maclarty, Editor.

Welcome to the Worldwide Fellowship of Grace and Truth!

We are not part of any religious sect or denomination. Grace and Truth is read by Methodists, Catholics, Baptists, Brethren, Anglicans, Salvationists and many others. Our desire is that you come to rejoice with us in realization of the marvelous truth of God's reconciliation.

Grace and Truth is not attached to any denomination or sect. The Lord knows those who are His, and it is to them the magazine is addressed. Our sole intention is to present the glory of God through His purpose to reconcile all to Himself, in realization of His righteousness and love (see Col.1:20; Eph.1:10; 1 Cor.15:28).

Paul writing to the Corinthians, re-states -


"Now I am making known to you, brethren, the evangel (gospel) which I bring to you:

-which also you accepted,

-in which also you stand,

-through which also you are saved...

"For I give over to you among the first what I accepted also:-

-that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,

-and that He was entombed,

-and that He has been roused the third day, according to the Scriptures." - 1 Cor.15:1-4

All who believe this are in the body of Christ, and

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus."

We rely:-

-on the living God Who is

-the Saviour of all mankind

-especially of them that believe!

Paul to Timothy (1 Tim.4:10)


The articles that appear on this blog page are specimen of spiritually enlightening studies taken from the Grace and Truth, a magazine edited by Brother Andrew Maclarty of England. All the content of Grace and Truth is copyright.

For subscription inquiries for the Magazine, you may directly contact Brother Andrew Maclarty by phone:

00 44 (0)115-962 6346

or by snail mail:

Grace and Truth Magazine, 28 Burlington Rd., Sherwoood, Nottingham NG5 2GS, England



The Eons of the Bible by Joseph E. Kirk

God's Purpose in Creation by Joseph E. Kirk

NEWSFLASH! God Has Saved the Chief of Sinners!

by Andrew Maclarty

A Personal Saviour by John Essex

Free Will by J.A. Freeman

The Purpose of God by Andrew Maclarty

Ephesians by Andrew Maclarty

Read the Address by J.M. Doe

Rightly Dividing Paul's Letters by John Essex

All is of God by John Essex

The Role of the Adversary in God's Purpose by James A. Webb

The Brief Encounter by Andrew Maclarty

God All In All by Leon A. Bynoe

FREE WILL? by j.a. freeman

Baby Moses, tucked away in his cradle, floating on the water, cried. Was it God's will, or the baby's will?

It was a cry that originated in heaven. The king's daughter was attracted. The child's life was spared. He entered the palace and eventually became the greatest leader of men this world has ever known. He was entrusted with the commandments; he talked with God on the mountain top.

Is any adopted son of God restless or over-anxious? Then let him think of this minute event and its consequences, and let him watch for the Divine Hand in even life's smallest events.

Here lies peace. John the Baptist arrived exactly on time to behold the Lamb of God, and be labeled the greatest of all men born among women. Saul was at the right spot when our Lord Jesus visited him.

All is of God. Life's minutest circumstances are under His control. Therefore, be anxious for nothing. He knows. He loves. He cares.

One Captain is competent enough for any ship. We are all only passengers.


An article from the Grace and Truth Magazine, Vol.49 No.3, Winter 1999. Andrew Maclarty, editor.