The eons are the longest periods of time referred to in the Scriptures. Time-wise they are of indefinite duration, but event-wise they are distinctly marked off by great cataclysms which affect the whole earth.
I. The Eons Have a Beginning
Literal Translation---------------------------King James Version
Heb.1:2 - God made the eons-------------------- God made the worlds
1 Cor.2:7 - before the eons------------------------before the world
2 Tim.1:9 - before eonian times------------------ before the world began
II. The Eons End, Individually and Collectively
Heb.9:26 - the end of the eons--------------------the end of the world
1 Cor.10:11 - the ends of the eons----------------- the ends of the world
Matt.24:3 - the end of the eon-------------------- the end of the world
III. How Many Eons Are There?
Col.1:26 - hid from eons----------PAST---------- hid from ages
Lu.20:34 - this eon-------------- PRESENT----- this world
Eph.2:7 - eons to come---------- -FUTURE------ ages to come
IV. The Purpose Of The Eons
Eph.3:8-11 - purpose of the eons------------------- eternal purpose
Eph.1:9-11; Phil.2:9-11; Col.1:15-21; 1 Cor.15:20-28
The word "eon" and "eonian" occur 199 times in the New Testament. They are translated as follows in the King James Version:
AION or EON......................................... AIONIOS or EONIAN
Ages - 2...........Never - 7......................... Everlasting - 25
Course - 1......Evermore - 4.........................Eternal - 42
World - 40......Eternal - 2............................. World - 3
Ever - 72.........Ever - 1
The fact that the same word translated "for ever," "everlasting," and "eternal" is also translated "world" is a shocking surprise to many believers. Had God meant "world" in these places He would have used the Greek word "kosmos" which means world. In the best literal translations the words "aion" and "aionios" are consistently rendered "age" and "age-abiding" or transliterated "eon" and "eonian." See Rotherham's Emphasized Version; Young's Literal Translation; or The Concordant Literal New Testament.
God made the eons (Heb.1:2) and fitted them out (Heb.11:3) for the accomplishing of His purpose (Eph.3:8-11; 1:9-11). During the eonian times, sin, suffering and death enter God's creation, serve their purpose and are abolished by Jesus Christ (1 Tim.4:9-11; Col.1:20; 1 Cor.15:22-28; Rom.5:18-19; Phil.2:9-11; John 12:32-33; 1 Jn.3:8).
The existence of God is not confined to the eons. He made the eons; therefore, He existed before they began. At the conclusion of the eons, Jesus Christ will do away with sin (Heb.9:26) and will abolish death (1 Cor.15:22-26). All will then be subjected to God and God will be All in all (1 Cor.15:27-28). Therefore, God continues to exist after the eons have ended. The statement "from everlasting to everlasting thou art God" (Ps.90:2), is literally "from age to age thou art God." This does not limit God's existence to the eons any more than the statement "I am the God of Abraham , Isaac, and Jacob" (Ex.3:6), excludes Him from being the God of others also. The same is true of the reference to His as "the eonian God" (Rom.16:25-26). During the present wicked eon (Gal.1:4), Sin reigns, Satan who is said to be "the god of this eon" (2 Cor.4:4) blinds and deceives mankind, and death swallows up the race (1 Cor.15:22). But notwithstanding, God is over all and is in supreme control. He is the eonian God. In due time He will deliver the entire creation and bring good out of all the suffering mankind is called to endure (Rom.8:18-23).
Neither is it true that if the eons end, the life of believers in Christ must end. Believers do receive eonian life. But if this is all that God promised, there would be no assurance of life beyond the eons. However, at the end of the eons God abolishes death from His universe (1 Cor.15:26). This is accomplished by imparting the resurrection life of Christ to all who have not previously received it. Eonian life assures one of life up to that point. Beyond that, death is impossible. Furthermore, believers are made immortal when the Lord returns (1 Cor.15:50-57). When one has been made immortal, death is impossible.
In the Greek Scriptures endlessness is never expressed in terms of eons or of that which is eonian. The Scriptures never speak of "the endless eons of eternity." Endlessness is expressed by the use of negatives: "not," "no not," "un," "less." For example: "Of His kingdom there shall be no end" ouk estai telos (Luke 1:33); "endless life" akatalutou (Heb.7:16); "endless genealogies" aperantois (1 Tim.1:4); "nevermore" ou me eti (Rev.18:21-23).
The noun "Aion" and its adjective "Aionios"
Transliterated, Eon and Eonian
True renderings in bold face: King James Version in ( )
2. This eon - Matt.12:32; 13:22; Mark 4:19; Lu.16:8; 20:34; Rom.12:2; 1 Cor.1:20; 2:6, 6, 8; 3:18; 2 Cor.4:4; Eph.1:21; 6:12 (world).
3. The eon of this world - Eph.2:2 (course of this world).
4. For the eon - Matt.21:19; Mk.11:14; Lu.1:55; Jn.6:51, 58; 8:35; 12:34; 14:16; 2 Cor.9:9; Heb.5:6; 6:20; 7:17, 21; 1 Pet.1:23, 25; 2 Pet.2:17; 1 Jn.2:17; 2 Jn.2; Jude 13 (forever); Heb.7:24 (for evermore); 1 Cor.8:13 (while the world standeth).
5. Not for the eon - Mk.3:29; Jn.4:14; 8:51-52; 10:28; 11:26; 13:8 (never).
6. Before all the eon - Jude 25a (KJV omits) R.V. "before all time".
7. From the eon - Lu.1:70; Acts 3:21 (since the world began); Acts 15:18 (from the beginning of the world); out of the eon - Jn.9:32 (since the world began).
8. The conclusion of the eon - Matt.13:39, 40, 49; 24:3; 28:20 (the end of the world).
9. The coming eon - Mk.10:30; Lu.18:30; Heb.6:5 (world); that eon - Lu. 20:35 (that world).
10. For the day of the eon - 2 Pet.3:18 (for ever). Compare Deut.32:7; Mic.5:2; 7:14; Mal.3:4.
2. Purpose of the eons - Eph.3:11; King of the eons - 1 Tim.1:17 (eternal).
3. Before the eons - 1 Cor.2:7 (before the world); from the eons - Eph.3:9 (from the beginning of the world); Col.1:26 (from ages).
4. For the eons - Matt.6:13; Lu.1:33; Rom.1:25; 9:5; 11:36; 16:27; Heb.13:8 (for ever); 2 Cor.11:31 (for evermore); for all the eons - Jude 25 (ever). "All" omitted in some MSS.
5. The on-coming eons - Eph.2:7 (ages to come).
6. Conclusion of the eons - Heb.9:26 (end of the world). R.V. "end of the ages."
7. Ends of the eons - 1 Cor.10:11 (ends of the world). R.V. "ends of the ages."
2. The eon of the eons - for all the generations of, Eph.3:21 (throughout all ages, world without end). In the K.J.V. the Greek word for "generations" is wrongly translated "ages" in this passage. The eon of the eons is the last and greatest eon of them all. In it God's saving purpose is brought to its climax and consummation in the Salvation of all.
3. The eon of the eon - Heb.1:8 (for ever and ever). This is a reference to the last eon which issues out of the one which preceeds it.
2. In eonian times - Rom.16:25 (since the world began).
3. Eonian life - Matt.19:29; Lu.18:30; Jn.3:15, 16, 36; 4:14; 5:24; 6:27, 40, 47; 12:50; Acts 13:46; Rom.6:22; Gal.6:8; 1 Tim.1:16 (everlasting); Matt.19:16; 25:46; Mk.10:17, 30; Lu.10:25; 18:18; Jn.4:36; 5:39; 6:54, 68; 10:28; 12:25; 17:2, 3; Acts 13:48; Rom.2:7; 5:21; 6:23; 1 Tim.6:12; Tit.1:2; 3:7; 1 Jn.1:2; 2:25; 3:15; 5:11, 13, 20; Jude 21 (eternal).
4. Eonian redemption - Heb.9:12 (eternal).
5. Eonian salvation - Heb.5:9 (eternal).
6. Eonian glory - 2 Cor.4:17; 2 Tim.2:10; 1 Pet.5:10 (eternal).
7. Eonian kingdom - 2 Pet.1:11 (everlasting).
8. Eonian inheritance - Heb.9:15 (eternal).
9. Eonian "things not seen" - 2 Cor.4:18 (eternal).
10. Eonian house - 2 Cor.5:1 (eternal).
11. Eonian habitations - Luke 16:9 (everlasting).
12. Eonian consolation - 2 Thes.2:16 (everlasting).
13. Eonian covenant - Heb.13:20 (everlasting).
14. Eonian gospel - Rev.14:6 (everlasting).
15. Eonian God - Rom.16:26 (everlasting).
16. Eonian Spirit - Heb.9:14 (eternal).
17. Eonian power - 1 Tim.6:16 (everlasting).
18. Eonian judgment - Heb.6:2 (eternal).
19. Eonian condemnation - Mk.3:29 (eternal damnation).
20. Eonian fire - Matt.18:8; 25:41 (everlasting); Jude 7 (eternal fire).
21. Eonian chastening - Matt.25:46 (everlasting).
22. Eonian destruction - 2 Thes.1:9 (everlasting).
23. Eonian - Philemon 15 (for ever).
The "eternal" of Romans 1:20 and the "everlasting" of Jude 6, is "aidios" not "aionios." Note the "until" in Jude 6.
This outline was adapted from one prepared by the late Alexander Thompson of Edinburgh, Scotland.