My Father and my Saviour,
I claim Thee as my own,
Though Thou art pure and holy,
And I to sin am prone.
But Thou, from highest heaven,
Didst witness my distress,
And, filled with love and pity,
Chose even me to bless.
If all else had been righteous,
And I the only one,
Whom sin had claimed in bondage,
Wouldst Thou have sent Thy Son?
Would Christ have left His glory
To come and die for me?
For one, would He have suffered
On that accursed tree?
That Jesus came for others
The Scriptures truly teach.
He died for all, but surely
He also died for each.
For me alone, then, Father,
Would He have borne the shame?
"Yes," swiftly comes the answer,
"To glorify My name."
"For in My loving purpose,
If thou hadst found no place,
"I could not show the fullness
Of My abounding grace,
"If sin and death could hold thee
For ever in their thrall,
"I might be All in many,
But never All in all."
The above poem is from the Grace and Truth Magazine. Andrew Maclarty, editor.
The content of Grace and Truth is copyright.