spiritually-enlightening studies & scriptural meditations, based on a pattern of sound words, from the "Grace & Truth Magazine." Andrew Maclarty, Editor.
Welcome to the Worldwide Fellowship of Grace and Truth!
We are not part of any religious sect or denomination. Grace and Truth is read by Methodists, Catholics, Baptists, Brethren, Anglicans, Salvationists and many others. Our desire is that you come to rejoice with us in realization of the marvelous truth of God's reconciliation.
Grace and Truth is not attached to any denomination or sect. The Lord knows those who are His, and it is to them the magazine is addressed. Our sole intention is to present the glory of God through His purpose to reconcile all to Himself, in realization of His righteousness and love (see Col.1:20; Eph.1:10; 1 Cor.15:28).
Paul writing to the Corinthians, re-states -
"Now I am making known to you, brethren, the evangel (gospel) which I bring to you:
-which also you accepted,
-in which also you stand,
-through which also you are saved...
"For I give over to you among the first what I accepted also:-
-that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,
-and that He was entombed,
-and that He has been roused the third day, according to the Scriptures." - 1 Cor.15:1-4
All who believe this are in the body of Christ, and
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus."
We rely:-
-on the living God Who is
-the Saviour of all mankind
-especially of them that believe!
Paul to Timothy (1 Tim.4:10)
The articles that appear on this blog page are specimen of spiritually enlightening studies taken from the Grace and Truth, a magazine edited by Brother Andrew Maclarty of England. All the content of Grace and Truth is copyright.
For subscription inquiries for the Magazine, you may directly contact Brother Andrew Maclarty by phone:
00 44 (0)115-962 6346
or by snail mail:
Grace and Truth Magazine, 28 Burlington Rd., Sherwoood, Nottingham NG5 2GS, England
The Eons of the Bible by Joseph E. Kirk
God's Purpose in Creation by Joseph E. Kirk
NEWSFLASH! God Has Saved the Chief of Sinners!
by Andrew Maclarty
A Personal Saviour by John Essex
Free Will by J.A. Freeman
The Purpose of God by Andrew Maclarty
Ephesians by Andrew Maclarty
Read the Address by J.M. Doe
Rightly Dividing Paul's Letters by John Essex
All is of God by John Essex
The Role of the Adversary in God's Purpose by James A. Webb
The Brief Encounter by Andrew Maclarty
God All In All by Leon A. Bynoe
Some readers, particularly those who are new to "Grace and Truth" and the Concordant Version of the Sacred Scriptures may be a little puzzled at the importance placed on the writings of the Apostle Paul. This puzzlement is quite understandable, for in the mainstream churches most of the emphasis is on the four 'Gospels,' or accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus, as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
The importance of a good grounding in these writings cannot be underestimated and time spent studying the earthly life of Jesus is well spent indeed. However, as believers, we need to move on to maturity. Paul, the apostle only knew Christ after the spirit. He never walked and talked with Him during the period of Christ's ministry to Israel. And he alone knew the risen Christ, so it is to his writings we turn to gain maturity of understanding. This does not mean we discard the other scriptures, far from it. It is ideal that the believer has a good knowledge of all the Scripture, this acts as a balance when weighing Paul's writings.
Often, when Paul's writings are first encountered there will be a tendency to read these alone. In fact some have even gone to the extent of placing Paul's writings in a separate book. But however well intentioned, this action is unscriptural. All Scripture, Paul tells Timothy, is useful. Timothy is encouraged to cut the word of truth, not cut out and throw away what is not addressed to us (2 Tim.2:15; 3:14-17).
Much confusion and muddled thinking can be avoided if a few simple guides are kept in mind. First look at a book to see if it tells who wrote it and to whom it is addressed. I once received a letter, and on glancing at the address, saw that it was not addressed to me. It was, in fact, addressed to a house in the next street. It looked as if it might contain something of value, so I immediately took it to the address on the envelope. Afterwards I thought, what if I had opened it. What if I had then tried to benefit from the contents? That would have been stealing. What troubles I would have brought on myself, and all because I had not read the address, and just as importantly, respected it.
Not so many people read the "Bible" today, and who can blame them when it appears confusing and misleading. Even many committed Christians avoid deep study and discussion because of the apparently inaccurate and misleading statements. They are taught that the "Bible" is their guide, yet to many it is a closed book. This is because they do not have the key to unlock its secrets and enjoy its treasures.
The key to full enjoyment of the scripture is to look at the address on the book. Note to whom it is written. Some would say this method of study would lead to much of it being discarded. But as already stated, all Scripture is necessary for our learning. Believers need to appreciate that though all Scripture is for them, not all is to them. Believers must learn not to be greedy. They must leave the earthly blessings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which are for Israel and embrace the heavenly blessings which Paul sets out for us in Ephesians.